Workshops for 4-40 people are centered around a theme that we explore side by side, on our mats and in our journals, before opening up the discussion to the group for sharing.

Whether working in an intimate environment with friends and aquaintances, a professional environment through team building, or in a room full of strangers coming together through an event or organization, I am here to create the container to ground each participant through simple asanas and yoga nidra, and guide the group in and out of journaling prompts designed for deep reflection. We come together to share our insights, and leave with a sense of connection to ourselves and each other.

I have worked with groups of intimate friends, organizations for refugees and the elderly, team building professionals, private events, etc.

All we need is a yoga mat for each person, a space large enough to accomodate everyone comfortably, paper and something to write with. If English is not the first language for everyone, please ensure that the prompts will be translated beforehand.

Workshops can be hosted inside or outside—morning, afternoon or evening. If hosted outside, please ensure that it is not too noisy.

Below are workshop topics suggested for your group. If you have a specific topic in mind, please email me about it!

Workshops for your Group

Personal Workshops Include

  • Deep Rest, where we explore our relationship to rest and rejuvenation and honor our rhythms for renewed vitality

  • Health and Hunger, where we explore our relationship to what enters our bodies and the habits we form around satiation

  • Home, where we explore our relationship to home—to our body, house, city, and consider how we center ourselves

  • Welcoming the New Year, where we reflect on the year coming to a close, and honor what we have learned and experienced in order to welcome what is to come

Corporate Workshops

Professional workshops include

  • Deep Rest, where we explore our relationship to rest and rejuvenation to ensure that we are not on the track to burn out

  • Joy and Resilience, where we explore our relationship to joy in order to welcome it more consciously into our lives, and develop our resilience

  • Dissolving Stress, where we explore the ways in which stress builds up in our bodies and our lives, and the daily ways we can address this

Where to Find Me


New York City

Southern California (monthly)

Oxford, UK (September for the Eurotas Conference)

Amsterdam, the Netherlands (September, October)



September 6

Oxford University

Join me September 6, 2024 from 11.30-13.00 at the Eurotas Conference in Oxford, where

Embodied consciousness, psyche & soul in research and practice is this year’s theme.

We will come together from all over the world, to connect academia and spirituality and

create “creative bridges” in a transitional world.