Let go and explore.

Come together for reflection.

Be in nature.

Retreat: an act or process of withdrawing

Come for the privilege of withdrawing in community.

Feel the power of collective intention.

Partake in practices that promote exploration and integration.

In stunning environments around the world.

  • Deep Rest

    We are tired.

    It comes out in small ways and big ways—the short fuse, the lack of clarity. The persistent feeling of exhaustion.

    We continue to be in the midst of enormous shifts in a post-pandemic, largely transitional world. Transformation requires stamina.

    Do we allow ourselves to rest? Enough? What is enough?

    Not heeding the call for rest messes with our nervous systems, and makes trusting our intuition seem like a struggle. Where is our conviction?

    We come to Deep Rest to be guided into states of deep calm, where we approach our relationship to rejuvenation.

    So that we can welcome the power of life to run through us.

    Big Island, Hawaii. Feb 27-March 3, 2025

  • Fun and Reflection

    I like to have fun. Lots of it! Don’t you? Doesn’t everyone?!

    Fun leads to joy. And joy makes life worth living.

    Joy fortifies us through challenging times. Enjoying is not a frivolous thing—it’s a sacred, wonderful way to show your appreciation for life itself.

    Do we allow ourselves to have fun? Enough fun? Has seriousness come to cast a heavy blanket over our insides?

    We come to Fun and Reflection to partake in a short week of pure joy! Where we go into conversation with the lighter and heavier sides of ourselves, to bring them into balance.

    So that we can appreciate all the big and small gifts, that life has to offer.

    Dates will be announced in 2024!

    Stay tuned.

  • Voice of the Land

    If you listen, the land is speaking.

    The rocks, the trees, the sea, the birds.

    Grab your notebook and let the voice of the land run through you. By connecting with the omniscient perspective through nature herself, we are able to look at ourselves and the world through new eyes. The possibilities of our stories expand.

    We begin to have a different relationship with time itself. This shift helps us reflect on our own lives, though understanding what is temporary.

    We come to Voice of the Land to allow ourselves to be held by the earth, while delving into the ancient practice of storytelling—a most intimate means of self expression and exploration.

    So that we can resonate more deeply who we are as we walk our path in the world.

    Big Island, Hawaii.

    Dates will be announced in 2024!

    Stay tuned.

The power of a small group.

The power of collective intention is real.

When small groups of people come together to delve deep, they create a strong resonance that can be used to heal themselves and others. With greater energy available, transformation happens faster.

In each retreat, we build up our energy as a group, day by day, then send this energy out into the world with intention before closing.

We get used to the idea that our energy is here to create lasting change for ourselves and for others.

We remember that by helping others, we help ourselves. Namaste.

Not sure which retreat or offering is right for you?

Let’s hop on a quick call and find out!

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